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Plastic chopping board wrap box plastic packaging container tools factory laboratory general factory inspection instruments and equipment need to buy?
ibc spill pallet Not including food contact in the process of production and operation of machinery, piping, conveyor belt, masterbatch, etc
Food with plastic packaging container tools products means used for packaging, cheng fang food or food additives, plastic products and food or food additive direct contact with food or food additive in the process of production and operation of plastic packaging, containers, tools and other products. Not including food contact in the process of production and operation of machinery, piping, conveyor belt, masterbatch, etc.
Secondary common container tray products have?
plastic pallet crates Common at ordinary times, such as plastic food packaging container tools: cling film, preservation box, plastic bag, food bag, valve bag, aluminum foil composite film bag, liquid food composite film bag, milk film bag, PVC sheet, food plate film, food with woven bag, polyester beverage bottle, polycarbonate drinking water tank, plastic cup double deck glass, baby bottles, plastic cover and gasket, plastic bottles, containers, melamine, plastic tableware, plastic cutting board, disposable plastic tableware, plastic straws and food contact with plastic parts, etc.
ibc spill containment pallet cleaning supplies, bath products of plastic containers, the use of plastic bags in supermarkets and shopping malls are made this kind of material, resistant to high temperature. But these containers are usually not good cleaning, residual original cleaning products, become a hotbed of bacteria, clean is not complete, or not to recycle.
Wooden pallets not consciousness of environmental protection is everyone's prejudice, deforestation caused you misunderstanding before. Timber forest plantations are now, actually a kind of economic crop, at the same time make the rotation mode, 2-3 tree cut down a tree, the kind of the way. Also, the wooden pallets can be repeated repairs, discarded after natural degradation.

Posté le 08/06/2022 à 04:23 par Iversen